May your marriage

May your marriage

May your marriage be Blessed with love,
joy and companionship For all the years of your lives.

Happy Anniversary!!!

More Wedding Anniversary Wishes

You two are an inspiration

You two are an inspiration to the world.
Looking at you, we know that
soulmates can find and keep each other,
commitment means something,
a great team can overcome life's troubles,
and love triumphs over all.

Happy Anniversary.

Happy anniversary to you both

Happy anniversary to you both;
Have a bright and happy day.
Your marriage sets an example;
It shines in every way.

Through time your bond is strong;
It lasts through sun and storm;
You'll always have your love
To keep each other warm.

Happy Anniversary.

There are few

There are few who are so lucky
To have the things you do,
Companionship and friendship,
And loving feelings, too.

As friends we wish these pleasures
Will last forevermore,
For we know that you will ever be
A couple whom we adore.

Happy Anniversary.

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